July 6-10, 2015
For ages 6-14
It's a mad, mad world -- we had an exciting week of mad science projects!!!
We also had fun songs, crafts, neat presentations and, most importantly, learned more about Jesus Christ our Savior.
Our "Mad Science Lab" VBS brought in more kids from the community than we ever expected! The average daily attendance was around 30 and we were blessed by our own kids and visitors alike. Every morning started with singing and a fun contest. Different professionals shared a "career day" presentation every day to tell us about their jobs. We welcomed a couple detectives; a chiropractor; a tow truck driver; a college math professor; and our county judge. They had lots of good things to tell us regarding their work. The kids then moved on to crafts, Bible lessons and the much anticipated "Mad Science Lab." Their activities included making and launching rockets; constructing a catapult to shoot mini-marshmallows into a paper castle; mixing up super slime from Borax, water, Elmer's glue and food coloring; and creating science in a bag. When combined on one side of the bag, baking soda and red phenol turned cold. On the other side, calcium chloride and red phenol turned hot. Then all the ingredients were mixed together. The contents turned yellow, fizzed and bubbled, and filled up the bag with gas. A vegetarian lunch was served daily after everyone was done with all their activities. We pray that our VBS reached all the kids and that they not only had fun, but learned more about Jesus.
See below for a slideshow covering fun memories from the week as well as our full photo album!
Click Here to see what we did last year!
Photo Album:
It is not too late to join us for VBS! Some of our Day 1 activities: learning what detectives do, including lifting...
Posted by Mount Pleasant Seventh-day Adventist Church on Tuesday, July 7, 2015